Spain - Day 3
Apr 2019 10:42 AM

Spain - Day 3

Apr 2019 10:42 AM
Apr 2019 10:42 AM

Today was decision day at VBS. Today’s theme was when “life is sad, God is good.” Oscar and Cindy taught the lesson about how God sent Jesus to save us from a broken world and Raquel translated into Catalan so all the children were able to understand. They were asked to make a decision to follow Christ and leave their sins at the foot of the cross, which two of them did. We followed up with them after presenting the Gospel to them and answered the many questions they had. After a nice lunch we went back to the hotel for a little siesta.  Then off to the scenic medieval city of Besalú where we walked, shopped, and enjoyed some crepes. One of our service projects with our global partners got cancelled last minute so we had some extra time to visit Castellfollit de la Roca, a town with beautiful views and an amazing bakery. Last, but not least to Txalaka Girona for dinner. 

P.s. we have all of our luggage! 


