Breakthrough 2023 Prayer Guide

Each morning you will find a new Prayer Guide that will help facilitate a time of prayer and meditation. We encourage you to reflect, be still, and listen as you pray and read through the guides. Each guide is structured around the acronym P.R.A.Y. For more information check out this post.

May the next 14 days be marked by transformation and depth of intimacy with the Lord. 

Jan 30 1:02 AM

Jehovah Qanna // Jealous God

Jan 30 1:02 AM
Jan 30 1:02 AM



As we enter into a time of prayer and meditation, take a moment to quiet your soul. The Psalmist invites us to be still and know that He is God. Be still. Take a deep breath. Clear your mind and ask the Lord to protect your thoughts.


Pause and be still for a few moments.


Pray the following prayer:

Jehovah Qanna (Jealous God), I might not have much but what I do have is a heart that beats for You. Stir up a hunger in my soul to sit in Your presence, and to taste and see that You are indeed good. Come, Holy Spirit.



He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. He alone is worthy of our praise and adoration. He declares that there is to be no other gods before Him. Jesus exclaims He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. His jealous heart was on display for all to see as He hung from a tree and was crucified. The perfect atonement for our sin, which separated us from the Father, was paid at the great expense of His one and only Son.


He yearns to be in perfect relation with His children as He once was in the garden of Eden before sin entered the scene. If we only understood that His heart of jealousy is pure and perfect, maybe we wouldn’t run away from His kind and purifying presence.


Take a moment and ask the Lord if there is anything within you that you are holding back from Him.



One of the great invitations of prayer is to ask the Lord to meet our needs.


Because we know our God is kind and merciful, we can come to Him, lay the muck we’ve held at His feet, and look up only to be met with eyes that are tearfully proud of us. Those that believe and confess Jesus is Lord, are clothed in the righteousness of God and there is no thing that can separate us from His hands.


Spend some time asking the Holy Spirit to soften what might be hardened toward His grace


Pray the following prayer:

Father, I am keenly aware of the great mercy You offer that I am undeserving of.  Thank You for bestowing Your grace upon me—despite me. I ask that You would continue to soften the areas within me that have grown callused. Search me, Lord, and help me move forward in such a way that honors You. In the same breath, I ask for You to be tender toward me. I ask that as I step forward in faith, You would enable my eyes to be purified so I can see Your loving and jealous gaze upon me. In Jesus name, amen.



Spend a moment rereading the scripture for today. As you do so, allow the Holy Spirit to either reemphasize what He spoke to you the first time, or reveal something you might have missed.


Finish by putting yourself in a posture of surrender. Invite the Lord to have His way in you today as you walk in humble obedience and reflection of His beautifully jealous heart toward you. Consciously allow Him to be the sole prize of your affections.


End your time by praying the following prayer:

May the peace of the Lord Christ go with me: wherever He may send me.

May He guide me through the wilderness: protect me through the storm.

May He bring me home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown.
