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Dec 23 5:41 PM


Dec 23 5:41 PM
Dec 23 5:41 PM


"God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son.” John 3:16

Bottom Line: Jesus is God's Son.

Core Insight: CONNECTION

Discipleship Kit:

  • Interactive Nativity Set– Use these activity pages to walk through the birth of Christ with your preschooler this week
  • Story Video – Each week there will be a new Story Video to watch (from Orange Media)
  • Memory Verse Song –  Your preschooler will learn this month’s memory verse along with hand signals


    • NEED: Activity Pages, bag, markers, crayons and other crafting supplies that you may have on hand.
    • DO: Give each child a gift bag to decorate with crayons, markers, and birthday stickers. Next, give each child one set of pictures. Briefly describe each story picture as you hand them out.
    • SAY: “Tomorrow is the big day! It will be Christmas and Jesus’ birthday. I am so excited! I have something we can make so we don’t forget the best story ever about when God gave us Jesus.” First, I want you to decorate this party bag. I have birthday stickers, glitter pens, and markers—everything you need to make it extra special. Your bags look so fun! Now let’s put something in it to help us remember what Christmas is all about. First, we have this picture. (Give each child an “Angel Visits Mary” picture.) What is happening in this picture? (Pause.) Yes, the angel is telling Mary she will have a special baby, and His name will be Jesus. Why is Jesus special? [Bottom Line] Jesus is God’s Son! Lay this picture down in front of you. Next we have this picture. (Give each child a “Jesus Is Born” picture.) Who is this in this picture? (Pause.) Yes, this is baby Jesus. Why is Jesus special? [Bottom Line] Jesus is God’s Son! Lay this picture beside your angel and Mary picture. Now we have this picture. (Give each child an “Angels Visit the Shepherds” picture.) What is happening is this picture? (Pause.) The angels are telling the shepherds the good news that Jesus was born. Why is Jesus special? [Bottom Line] Jesus is God’s Son! Lay this picture beside your baby Jesus picture. And finally, we have this picture. (Give each child a “Wise Men Follow a Star” picture.) What are these men following? (Pause.) They are following a special star. And who did the star help the wise men find? (Pause.) Yes! The star led them to Jesus. Why is Jesus special? [Bottom Line] Jesus is God’s Son! Lay this picture beside your picture of the shepherds.
    • NEED: Table; large bag of small gift bows in a variety of basic colors like red, blue, and green; construction paper in the same colors; tape
    • DO: Tape the construction paper pieces to the table. Make sure you have one matching color of paper for each gift bow. During the Activity: Lead the children in sorting the gift bows by placing the bows on the matching color of construction paper. Extended Activity: Count the bows on each piece of construction paper after you have sorted them by color. 
    • SAY: “Look at all the gift bows I have! This one is red. (Hold up a red bow.) This one is blue. (Hold up a blue bow.) And this one is green. (Hold up a green bow.) We are going to play a sorting game with these bows. To play this game, you put all the red bows on the red paper, all the blue bows on the blue paper, and all the green bows on the green paper. See? Now you try! Looking at all of these gift bows reminds me of the part in the Christmas story where the wise men took gifts to Jesus. They followed a special star all the way to Jesus and then gave Him the gifts and worshiped Him, because they knew Jesus was special. Why is Jesus special? [Bottom Line] Jesus is God’s Son!”


We’d love to connect with you on our social media accounts and see how your experience with your preschoolers is going. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram and then tag us in your photos and posts.
