Jan 18 3:03 AM


Jan 18 3:03 AM
Jan 18 3:03 AM

Spend your time reading over this prayer written by Saint Patrick, taken from a culmination of prayers in Be Thou My Vision. Allow it to be your prayer for today and perhaps one that you return to in the future. As you do so, pay attention to your heart posture and examine your sense of submission toward genuinely allowing God the space to do these things.

I bind myself today:
To the power of God to guide me.
To the might of God to uphold me.
To the wisdom of God to teach me.
The eye of God to watch over me.
The ear of God to hear me.
The word of God to speak to me.
The way of God to lie before me.
The host of God to defend me.
   -  Saint Patrick


Finish your time by waiting on the voice of the Lord. You’ve asked Him to speak, now is the time to listen. Is there scripture He has brought to mind? Is He speaking words of dignity and value over you? Spend at least 3-5 minutes here.

