Jan 11 2:47 PM


Jan 11 2:47 PM
Jan 11 2:47 PM

Take the time to read through this liturgical prayer gathered from Be Thou My Vision by Jonathan Gibson. In doing so, allow there to be space for the words you read to resonate within. This is a time for you to slow down and reflect. Perhaps you will find the need to read through these words two or three times. As you do so, ask the Holy Spirit to turn your gaze from that which pleads for your affection and return it to Himself—the only one that is truly worthy of all glory, honor, and power (Revelation 4:11).

With what shall we come before you, O Lord? Or bow ourselves in your presence, O you Most High God? Cause us to come unto you in faith: mentioning no other name, pleading no other righteousness, and trusting in no other atonement than the name, righteousness, and atonement of your blessed Son and our adorable Mediator Jesus Christ. In him, we desire to be found; through him, we hope for favor with you, and acceptance in your sight. Blessed be your goodness for the mercies of the day, for the blessings of your providence, the comforts of your Spirit, and the privileges, we enjoy. Amen.
   -   Augustus Toplady


Finish your time by sitting in awareness of the Lord’s presence and thank Him for who He is.


