Jan 23 3:37 AM


Jan 23 3:37 AM
Jan 23 3:37 AM

We pray that God has truly enriched your walk with Him as you have participated in this journey with us. Finish your time by reading this prayer written by Matt McBrayer.

God, Grant us the peace of mind and contentment to stay connected to You. You are the life-giver, yet we often desire things that lead to death. Help us in our wandering to be pointed back to you.

(Spend a moment in contemplation about the times you have fallen short of God's standards.)

Grant us boldness to not let this Breakthrough come and go, while we remain unchanged. Gift to us, O Father, opportunities in which we can serve You and share Your Gospel of reconciliation with the whole world.

(Spend a moment in contemplation about the times you have fallen short of God's standards.)

Grant us the hope that Jesus Christ is indeed returning soon. May we not misuse the time You have given us here on Earth for vain pursuits of riches, success, and popularity among peers. Let us risk losing all of that in order to share Your Gospel if that is necessary.

(Spend a moment in contemplation about the times you have fallen short of God's standards.)

Lord, we know that we are weak. We pray for strength. We know we are tired. We pray for rest in You. We know we are broken. We pray for restoration. Amen.
   -  Matt McBrayer

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make His face shine upon you and be precious to you. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)

