This page is dedicated to resourcing our adult leaders to lead, disciple, and minister to our students! Here you'll find our Graded Curriculum as well as a supplemental resource library and other general information pertaining to your role as leaders! We are so grateful to minister to the students of The Heights alongside gifted and dedicated adult leaders who have responded to the call of the Great Commission to go and make disciples. If you are interested in serving with our team, click the button below to connect and get more information!

Graded Life Group Content 

Resource Library

11th Grade

- Vision Cast: Community

- Vision Cast: Prayer and Scripture

- Nature of God

- God the Father

- God the Son

- God the Spirit

- Doctrine of Sin

- Doctrine of Heaven and Hell

- Doctrine of Man

- Doctrine of Salvation

- Love the Lord with all Your Heart

- The Good News for Mental Health

- Faithfulness in the Dry Seasons

Pre-Purchased Curriculum

Discipleship Book Recommendations

Leader Training and Equipping Resources