Day 4 - The Plot to Kill Jesus
April 10, 2022 10:18 AM

Day 4 - The Plot to Kill Jesus

April 10, 2022 10:18 AM
April 10, 2022 10:18 AM

Wednesday - April 13




Matthew 26:1-16; Luke 22:1-6; Proverbs 16:1-3



We read yesterday of Jesus’ boldness to call the religious leaders on their corrupt teaching through various parables. If you chose to continue reading through His teaching, you saw Jesus become more direct with His words toward the scribes and Pharisees. No doubt, this caused a greater offense and desire to put an end to this man’s ministry. Who was he to question their authority? They were placed there by God Himself and above any accusations imposed by this man. He caused nothing but trouble for their work as religious leaders. If anything, he was the one leading people astray! This toxic pride from the leaders pushed them to finalize the details for their desired outcome to put this blasphemer to death. Who better than to use his own disciple, Judas?

Sometimes it seems we can convince ourselves what we are doing is in the name of the Lord yet miss the mark completely. Imagine yourself in the shoes of the Pharisees, those highly revered by the Jews as God’s chosen. You are wholly devoted to studying and teaching the law. Convinced that Jesus is not who he says he is, you move forward in great passion to right this wrong (despite the need to bend rules to achieve it). Maybe you find yourself today longing for a specific outcome over a particular circumstance. God wants us as His children to seek Him and make our requests known to Him in prayer while thanking Him wholeheartedly in all and overall (Phil 4:6 ; 1 Thess 5:16-18). However, though man plans his course, it is God who establishes his steps (Proverbs 16:9). What are you attempting to do in your own strength?



Spend time with the Lord today and seek His wisdom over how you are to move and remain in line with His will. His timing is perfect. His motives perfect. Rest in the grace of God and His promise to never forsake you.
