Day 7 - Silent Saturday
April 10, 2022 5:20 AM

Day 7 - Silent Saturday

April 10, 2022 5:20 AM
April 10, 2022 5:20 AM

Saturday - April 16




Matthew 27:62-66; Isaiah 55:8-9; Philippians 4:4-7



Today we sit in the tension of unanswered questions. Jesus’ body has been prepared for burial and laid in Joseph’s tomb with the entrance sealed by a great stone. The high priest has persuaded Pilot of the need to guard the tomb by soldiers, lest anyone try to steal Jesus’ body and declare Him risen from the dead (Matt 27:64). Imagine yourself as one of the disciples. This morning, you woke still feeling the traumatic effects from yesterday’s event. You feel dazed with a mental fog that drapes over your mind. A day filled with sheer shock, distress, and loss of hope. Despite the disciples having spent three years of close fellowship with Jesus, scripture records multiple times of their lack in understanding what was to come (John 2:22; Luke 18:34). Jesus himself prophesied as he washed the disciple’s feet, “you do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand” (John 13:7).  

We know how this story ends with tomorrow near, but perhaps there is an area in your life you feel this tension without an end in sight. Of course, as we’ve been reminded before, we can petition with the Lord and make our requests known to Him (Phil 4:6), trusting He has good things for us. Yet, we can also sit in the present tension and gain peace at the knowledge God is closer than our very breath, through the power of the Holy Spirit.



Spend your time today rejoicing in the Lord as the provider of our every need (Phil 4:19).
