Day 1 - The Triumphal Entry
April 10, 2022 11:16 PM

Day 1 - The Triumphal Entry

April 10, 2022 11:16 PM
April 10, 2022 11:16 PM

Sunday - April 10


Over the course of this week, we will be coming alongside Christians all over the world as we observe Holy Week. This is an opportunity to take a deeper look into the final days of Jesus’ life before the crucifixion. Instead of reading these passages again and growing numb to hearing the same text, consider the fact our God’s word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). God in His grandeur and infinite wisdom is using the Gospel story to inform our daily lives. We encourage you to notice how the Holy Spirit will provide revelation as to how His story intertwines with yours.  With the victory of Resurrection Sunday in sight, we move forward in the text with anticipation.




John 12:12-19; Matthew 21:1-11; Zachariah 9:9-13



Just before Jesus’ entrance, He raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11), and scripture says many of the Jews believed He was the Son of Man because of this act (John 12:11). While some had chosen to worship and adore with grand gestures of cloaks and palm branches laid before Jesus, there were those that turned and posted themselves in opposition, giving fuel to the flames toward the plot to kill. As the Jewish people watched Jesus ride into Jerusalem, their anticipation and longing for a mighty king seemed to be fulfilled, as prophesied by Zachariah. Historically, a king or army commander would ride through a town on a magnificent horse, yet this man came in humility and a posture of abounding peace by riding in on a donkey. Imagine the expectation of a great political leader coming to reign victorious met with the great curiosity of how this would be done in peace according to the prophesy. Over 500 years of this tension all to have reached the brink of fulfillment in this moment.

Imagine yourself in the background of the story. Perhaps as a member of the crowd. The excitement and curiosity pulsing through each person with an energy that is vibrating the very breath you are taking. You’ve just laid your own cloak and palm branch on the hot desert path, and you take a step back into line with the crowd. You begin to shout with all your might in unison with everyone else as Jesus nears. Suddenly, He makes eye contact with you as He passes on the donkey. What do you think? Does your heart skip a beat and your stomach drop all in the same millisecond? Now reflect on your own walk with Jesus. Has He connected with your gaze before? Did you recognize who He was with the same anticipation for deliverance? What are you coming into this week with that you are desiring the Lord to conquer on your behalf? Scripture says that we have the ability to come to the Father with boldness in prayer (Hebrews 4:16).



Finish your time seeking the Lord and His will over your circumstance.

Day 2 - Jesus Cleanses the Temple
April 10, 2022 3:16 PM

Day 2 - Jesus Cleanses the Temple

April 10, 2022 3:16 PM
April 10, 2022 3:16 PM

Monday - April 11


Over the course of this week, we will be coming alongside Christians all over the world as we observe Holy Week. This is an opportunity to take a deeper look into the final days of Jesus’ life before the crucifixion. Instead of reading these passages again and growing numb to hearing the same text, consider the fact our God’s word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). God in His grandeur and infinite wisdom is using the Gospel story to inform our daily lives. We encourage you to notice how the Holy Spirit will provide revelation as to how His story intertwines with yours.  With the victory of Resurrection Sunday in sight, we move forward in the text with anticipation.




Matthew 21:12-17; Mark 11:15-19; John 2:13-17; Psalm 139:23-24



The morning after the Triumphal Entry, Jesus made his way to Jerusalem’s Temple and expressed a righteous anger over the sin the Jews were blatantly committing. A place meant for His people to devote themselves fully in prayer, was perverted by the schemes of unscrupulous dealing. Fully justified as one without sin, Jesus rebukes the Jews in the temple for their actions. Later in the text of Matthew, we see people worshiping Him in response to His teaching and the miracles He has performed. A man full of strength and authority, yet lowly and gracious in the same breath.

Let’s set the scene. It’s morning and you’ve just entered the temple. As you walk through the long hall with 80 ft. beams lining the way, you hear the loud chatter of your fellow Jews as they barter over sacrificial animals. You note in your head the animal’s cost had significantly increased since last year, but you’re interrupted by an echoing crash of tables that once held pigeon cages. The chaos causes you to break out in a cold sweat that reaches your fingertips as coins jingle across the ground and a man yells in rage. Do you recognize him? Do his words well up a deep conviction? Today—in real time—where do you find yourself? Has the Holy Spirit been convicting you over any area of sin in your life? How are you responding? Are you ignoring Him or are you responding with confession and repentance? Jesus takes the issue of sin seriously and so should we.



Spend time with the Lord this morning and ask Him to reveal any area(s) in your life that goes against what He would have for you.

Day 3 - Jesus Teaches at The Temple
April 10, 2022 2:17 PM

Day 3 - Jesus Teaches at The Temple

April 10, 2022 2:17 PM
April 10, 2022 2:17 PM

Tuesday - April 12




Matthew 21:33-46; 22:15-22; Luke 20:9-26; Ezekiel 36:26
(Read Matthew 21:18-23 for a bigger picture of Jesus’ teaching)



Today we see Jesus in the temple telling many stories that offer divine insight into God’s Kingdom and plan to bring redemption. Perfectly knowing his audience—the religious leaders of the day—Jesus chooses to speak in parables alluding to the corruption found in their leadership. The tension increases when we think back to the sermon on the mount and Jesus’ choice to teach in parables here as well. Scripture says that Jesus spoke in parables knowing the crowd would not understand (Matt 13:13), which piques our interest in the chief priests and Pharisees’ recorded understanding in the temple. Did the rest of the crowd understand Jesus was calling them out for their crooked ways?

Imagine, the leaders, already set on finding any excuse to arrest Him and sentence Him to death, standing on the outer skirts of the crowd. Posed in judgement and a stuffy arrogance that immediately drops to the pit of their stomach as they realize Jesus is declaring they will not inherit the kingdom of God. No wonder they sent their followers to test Him regarding paying taxes to Caesar. Has there ever been a moment you heard the voice of the Lord speak conviction in your life? And instead of meeting Him with humility, you met Him with defensive pride, like the Pharisees?



Allow space to practice true humility before the Lord. Invite Him in to transform your heart and melt what is hardened toward Him.

Day 4 - The Plot to Kill Jesus
April 10, 2022 10:18 AM

Day 4 - The Plot to Kill Jesus

April 10, 2022 10:18 AM
April 10, 2022 10:18 AM

Wednesday - April 13




Matthew 26:1-16; Luke 22:1-6; Proverbs 16:1-3



We read yesterday of Jesus’ boldness to call the religious leaders on their corrupt teaching through various parables. If you chose to continue reading through His teaching, you saw Jesus become more direct with His words toward the scribes and Pharisees. No doubt, this caused a greater offense and desire to put an end to this man’s ministry. Who was he to question their authority? They were placed there by God Himself and above any accusations imposed by this man. He caused nothing but trouble for their work as religious leaders. If anything, he was the one leading people astray! This toxic pride from the leaders pushed them to finalize the details for their desired outcome to put this blasphemer to death. Who better than to use his own disciple, Judas?

Sometimes it seems we can convince ourselves what we are doing is in the name of the Lord yet miss the mark completely. Imagine yourself in the shoes of the Pharisees, those highly revered by the Jews as God’s chosen. You are wholly devoted to studying and teaching the law. Convinced that Jesus is not who he says he is, you move forward in great passion to right this wrong (despite the need to bend rules to achieve it). Maybe you find yourself today longing for a specific outcome over a particular circumstance. God wants us as His children to seek Him and make our requests known to Him in prayer while thanking Him wholeheartedly in all and overall (Phil 4:6 ; 1 Thess 5:16-18). However, though man plans his course, it is God who establishes his steps (Proverbs 16:9). What are you attempting to do in your own strength?



Spend time with the Lord today and seek His wisdom over how you are to move and remain in line with His will. His timing is perfect. His motives perfect. Rest in the grace of God and His promise to never forsake you.

Day 5 - The Last Supper
April 10, 2022 8:19 AM

Day 5 - The Last Supper

April 10, 2022 8:19 AM
April 10, 2022 8:19 AM

Thursday - April 14




John 13:1-20; Matthew 26:26-29; Jeremiah 31:31-34



Many significant things occurred during the last supper. It was not only a mark of Jesus’ literal last supper with His disciples prior to the crucifixion, but it also was the last Passover meal under the old covenant. The last moments for God’s people to be bound to the Jewish Law, with the knowledge Jesus came to fulfill it (Matt 5:17). While there is still the remaining tension of Judas as Jesus’ betrayer, Jesus doesn’t leave tonight without commissioning the disciples with a vision and purpose for the ministry to continue. Today is known by many as Maundy Thursday (translating to Thursday of commandment). The commandment is a call to love one another as He has loved them (John 13:34). This evening Jesus breaks the bread and drinks the wine symbolizing His body and blood that was to be given for them. The longing to be made clean and purified setting deep within the souls of the disciples during this precious time together.

We often take communion together as a church body and do so in remembrance of this time in history. The act holds an interesting reverence between the weight of our sin being what brought Him to the cross, and the wonderful relief we can feel knowing it has brought us freedom from the wages of sin and death (Romans 6:23). Take a moment and find elements that could symbolize the bread and wine the disciples partook at the last supper. Put yourself in their shoes. The warmth of a spring day coming to an end and lights growing dim as the sun sets. You enjoy the company of your friends that have become family, and Jesus, whom you’ve confessed as your Lord, tears the bread and passes it your direction. He then pours your glass and sets it before you. The disciples had no idea what was about to occur, but here in the present, you most likely do. You know the sins you have committed that sent Him to die on a cross and spill His blood. We pray you also know the reason He did it: His unfathomable love toward you.



Finish your time by taking the elements you found in remembrance of this. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in the timing of each one as you ponder on His mercy.

Day 6 - It Is Finished
April 10, 2022 7:20 AM

Day 6 - It Is Finished

April 10, 2022 7:20 AM
April 10, 2022 7:20 AM

Friday - April 15




Mark 15



Today we read the events of our Savior’s death. A gruesome text that leaves our souls feeling heavy as we process it. We’ve taken note of the many wonderful characteristics of Jesus throughout this week, but today we gain a deeper sense of reverence for who our God is. He is the very picture of humility. He is steady, unshaken from His life’s purpose to bring redemption to His people. He is loving. He is merciful. This is the God we worship and adore. After the last supper, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He knew what was coming and felt the burden of its weight, but still did not waver. Jesus, fully God and fully man, had perfect knowledge of what had to occur for His people to be restored to Him. So, He willingly drank from the cup and bore our sin on our behalf. Jesus’ last breath was given for our sake.


Take a moment and imagine yourself as Simon, the man that assisted Jesus in carrying the cross. You are simply passing through and you see Jesus. He’s so beaten and wounded that He is almost unrecognizable as a man. At most, you can make out His eyes which look weary. Eyes that speak of great sorrow and heartbreak over the sin of man that brought Him to this place. Eyes that look at you and know you to your depths without even an introduction. You move toward him as you motion to carry the cross and you notice in greater detail the wounds he wears. An estimated 200 pounds put on you and as you walk with Him, you wonder what it must be like to be in His position. Though you see it, you can barely imagine the price He has paid and will continue to pay as He will hang. Jesus, exhausted, breathes heavily beside you as you make your way to Calvary’s hill. Spend today pondering this cost. 



Speak with God throughout your day with a spirit of humble gratitude knowing He took your place.

Day 7 - Silent Saturday
April 10, 2022 5:20 AM

Day 7 - Silent Saturday

April 10, 2022 5:20 AM
April 10, 2022 5:20 AM

Saturday - April 16




Matthew 27:62-66; Isaiah 55:8-9; Philippians 4:4-7



Today we sit in the tension of unanswered questions. Jesus’ body has been prepared for burial and laid in Joseph’s tomb with the entrance sealed by a great stone. The high priest has persuaded Pilot of the need to guard the tomb by soldiers, lest anyone try to steal Jesus’ body and declare Him risen from the dead (Matt 27:64). Imagine yourself as one of the disciples. This morning, you woke still feeling the traumatic effects from yesterday’s event. You feel dazed with a mental fog that drapes over your mind. A day filled with sheer shock, distress, and loss of hope. Despite the disciples having spent three years of close fellowship with Jesus, scripture records multiple times of their lack in understanding what was to come (John 2:22; Luke 18:34). Jesus himself prophesied as he washed the disciple’s feet, “you do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand” (John 13:7).  

We know how this story ends with tomorrow near, but perhaps there is an area in your life you feel this tension without an end in sight. Of course, as we’ve been reminded before, we can petition with the Lord and make our requests known to Him (Phil 4:6), trusting He has good things for us. Yet, we can also sit in the present tension and gain peace at the knowledge God is closer than our very breath, through the power of the Holy Spirit.



Spend your time today rejoicing in the Lord as the provider of our every need (Phil 4:19).

Day 8 - Resurrection Sunday
April 10, 2022 3:21 AM

Day 8 - Resurrection Sunday

April 10, 2022 3:21 AM
April 10, 2022 3:21 AM

Sunday - April 17




Luke 24:1-12; John 20; 2 Timothy 3:16-17



Today is the day! Christ has risen, He has risen indeed!! This morning we woke with the weight of yesterday’s tension and rise to find our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is alive. The angels stood to testify of the empty tomb to those that came near, yet we not only have their testimony, but the testimony of the women at the tomb, the disciples, and many more to come (1 Corinthians 15:1-8). By God’s sovereignty, this good news has transcended the test of time that we might know it. Thanks be to God this is not just some story we read in a religious book, but it is in fact the inspired word of our God (2 Tim 3:16)—and backed by countless historical documents. We rejoice today knowing full well that our sins have been forgiven by the pardon of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  

Have you ever misinterpreted a situation that should have been joyous for something mournful? Imagine yourself as Mary Magdalene. You have gone to anoint His body with spices only to find angles of the Lord informing you His body is no longer there. First, you feel a great shock and terror rush through you that brings you to your knees. Next, you begin to process their words and realize someone must have taken His body. Where did they place Him? We planned to anoint Him! Forgive us, Lord! We wanted to honor your body with this act. These thoughts process as you weep. Suddenly, as you turn, you hear a man question your tears. He calls you by name and every part of you leaps with joy because your Savior is the man standing before you. Your excitement beams with the charge to go and tell the others, and you do so with glee. This is where we see the common call. We know the good news of the gospel and should feel this same urgency to go and share it with others. We get to be a part of the continued series of testimonies by the grace of God.



Finish your time asking the Holy Spirit to empower you to share your testimony with zeal.