Jan 16 3:18 AM


Jan 16 3:18 AM
Jan 16 3:18 AM

If you’ve been following along as we have released each day, today is Sunday. As a day of rest and communing with the Lord, we ask that you spend your time reflecting over what God is shaping within you. Use the following questions as prompts as you discern:


God, what is it that You made stand out as I have participated in this devotional so far?

Father, is there anything I am holding back from You? Would you reveal it to me?

What would you have for me as I move forward in my walk with You in light of these things, Lord?


Finish your time reading through this prayer written by our own Matt McBrayer:

Gracious God,

We have seen this week that we are not perfect nor are we deserving of Your goodness and mercy. But thank You that because of the bloodshed of Jesus, we have been made right in Your eyes and rely not on our own works to get us to Heaven, but the completed work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and through His resurrection from the grave.

(Spend a few minutes quietly remembering your own conversion experience. How did you first encounter God? What did the Holy Spirit say to you in the first moments of your faith?)


Jesus, we thank You that we are not worthy, yet You have freely given Your righteousness to those willing to come to You. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the gift of salvation which You have given each of us. We pray for those who have not heard or accepted the gift of salvation. For those who have not yet accepted, we pray for an urgency in their souls to arise. For those who have not heard, may You conform us into people who share the Gospel at all times with all people.


(Spend the next few moments thinking about the people you encounter every week. How would you interact with them differently if you knew that they had never heard the Gospel? How might you bring up the Gospel in a non-intrusive way?)


Holy Spirit, we ask You to guide and guard us as we go forth and proclaim the Gospel. May no person be able to say of us, “I didn’t know if he/she had faith.” Rather, may our faith be so evident and clear that we are clearly burdened for the nations to know who Jesus is and why He is God. Amen.
   -  Matt McBrayer


Beginning tomorrow, we will continue our 14-day journey and discover more on the topic of what is looks like to create space to discern the voice of the Lord. May God bestow wisdom upon us as we seek and ask for His guidance to live in fellowship with Him.

